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Multiple Quizzes

Multiple Quizzes
?? 发表于 2012年12月7日 Friday 06:47


I was wondering how I can manage a course with two quizzes in it, where they don’t necessarily both count toward a passing score.

What we are trying to do is a have a Pre-Test that student needs to complete before they take the main training content, and a post-test they will take after.  The Post Test Score will be used to judge the completion of the course, but the Pre-Test should not impact the final score, but we would want to know what the score was, so we can track the before and after progress of the student.

Has anyone done this?



2012年12月7日 Friday 08:03
Craig Eves
Re: Multiple Quizzes
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2012年12月9日 Sunday 12:00
小组 Totara

Hi Scott

Just to add to Amir's last point - you need to enable conditional activity under Site Administration to do this - by default it is not enabled.

After this is done you can then use this to hide any activity based on conditions such as activity or course grades.


Re: Multiple Quizzes
AngusGeorge 发表于 2012年12月9日 Sunday 13:48
小组 Totara


Its Conditional Availabilty which needs to be upgraded! Tick the "Excluded" box here: 

this should do the trick.