may we ask what the status of this issue is with current TotaraLMS 2.2.14?
It looks like there are still emails not being sent in the user's preferred language. The following functions we see as generating emails using the function get_string($identifier, $module, $a, $user->lang) without specifying the fourth argument ($user->lang):
function email_welcome_message
function send_confirmation_email($user)
function send_password_change_confirmation_email($user)
function send_message($eventdata)
function certificate_email_teachers($course, $certificate, $certrecord, $cm)
function certificate_email_others($course, $certificate, $certrecord, $cm)
function certificate_email_student($course, $certificate, $certrecord, $context)
function facetoface_cron()
function facetoface_send_request_notice($facetoface, $session, $userid)
function totara_cohort_notify_users($cohortid, $userids, $action, $delaymessages=false)
function send_scheduled_report($sched)
Is there still work in progress regarding this or will it remain inevitable to check and fix related problems for every upcoming implementation?
Thank you