Best practice forum (Archived)

Various Country Specific Legal Requirements

? ?
Various Country Specific Legal Requirements
von ? ? – Wednesday, 20 February 2013, 4:44 AM
I am looking at a global LMS requirement and in the list of functionality I have specific French legal requirements. Has anyone had experience of this and if so how much customisation over configuration has had to be carried out?
Tony Richens
Re: Various Country Specific Legal Requirements
von Tony Richens – Wednesday, 27 February 2013, 1:41 AM

Hi William,

Are you able to elaborate any further as to what the requriements are?



? ?
Re: Various Country Specific Legal Requirements
von ? ? – Thursday, 28 February 2013, 12:52 AM

Hi Tony

Thank you for responding.

The Training Report 2483, also called the Declaration 2483 Report, is a French regulatory report that is used to declare the training that a company has provided to its employees. This report compiles information about the amount of time and money that a company spends on training.

This includes hour tracking which is tracking the number of hours that learners spend on training outside of their normal work schedule. DIF (Droit Individuel à la Formation or Individual Training Right) management refers to tracking the usage of the DIF training hours to which employees are entitled, based on their seniority, contract type, and working hours.

The report provides details for groups of information that are defined by the French government. This functionaility exists in nearly all standard big 'black box' LMS's.

There is also budget planning and cost tracking that is a legal requirement.



? ?
Re: Various Country Specific Legal Requirements
von ? ? – Wednesday, 13 March 2013, 10:37 AM

Thanks for the further info Bill.

I have been speaking with  people in France who confirm  it is usually the first thing a French company will ask for of an LMS.

I am told employees (of companies with 49+) are entitled to 2 weeks of training.

Is the process of reporting on this an end in itself - done for regulatory sake, or is the data ever used by the organisation or centrally for any learning and development purposes, to measure understanding, for planning ? Just trying to understand specifically what must be reported, if there are other requirements or is it simply time and money?

I have seen some discussions and suggestions around recording CPD hours and which may offer some creative solutions.

The forthcoming improvements to learning plans - 'evidence tab' might help to accommodate capturing learning that takes place out of the Totara Course and Face to Face functionality.

Have you checked with your partner to see if they have developed any solutions around this? Or have any other partners out there worked with French companies who can offer suggestions?

How do some of the 'black box' solutions manage this do you know?

Let me know how you get on as I would like to explore this further.

Sorry that raises far more questions than answers!
