Best practice forum (Archived)

notification text changes when recieved with = sign

Caley Cawood
notification text changes when recieved with = sign
על ידי Caley Cawood בתאריך 13/03/2013, 08:28

We are having a problem when sending notifications when the user receives the notification they have random = signs in the body of the text replacing certain characters. It is fine when we set it up on the totara side but something happens after it is sent. Has anybody experienced anything like this and if so what did you do?


Re: notification text changes when recieved with = sign
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 13/03/2013, 13:23
קבוצה Totara

Hi Mike,

Could you send me before & after screenshots. Could you tell me which characters in particular are causing the problems?

