Best practice forum (Archived)

Adding a competency to a Program on a multi-lingual site

? ?
Adding a competency to a Program on a multi-lingual site
von ? ? – Tuesday, 14 May 2013, 8:48 AM


One of our clients has logged the attached issue.

On the edit screen for program content, if a competency has multiple languages in its name, the edit screen displays all the names together. The string never seems to be put though the filter.

Please can you advise.

(Note this was also logged here:


Many thanks, Michelle

Yuliya Bozhko
Re: Adding a competency to a Program on a multi-lingual site
von Yuliya Bozhko – Tuesday, 14 May 2013, 5:46 PM

Hi Michelle,

I updated the work request. Fix is already in review and will be available in the next release. Sorry for the delay.
