Best practice forum (Archived)

Adjusting or Customizing the 'My profile settings' menu

Erik Weller
Adjusting or Customizing the 'My profile settings' menu
de Erik Weller - Friday, 3 de May de 2013, 08:04

Hi Everybody,


We are hosting a spot with just e-learning courses. Therefore we want to keep the users pages and menus as clean as possible.

Right now I am trying to loose some of the links in the 'My profile settings' menu.

So far, I have figured out how to get the menu to look like this:

But I still would like to loose the links 'Security Keys', 'Messaging' and 'Blogs'. Is there anybody who could help me find the right check boxes to check or uncheck?!

Thanks for your suggestions.


Kind regards,


David Curry (Core Developer)
Re: Adjusting or Customizing the 'My profile settings' menu
de David Curry (Core Developer) - Tuesday, 7 de May de 2013, 16:06
Grupo Totara

Hey Erik,

It looks like the Security Keys link is added if you have RSS feeds or web services running, so if you want to turn it off those are the places I would start looking. If it is the RSS feeds then it looks like it will show for everyone, though websevices will only make it show to people with the ability to create new tokens. If you still want to get rid of the link without turning either of those pieces of functionality off then you would have to make a small custom change to the code, commenting out this line in lib/navigationlib.php
#4153             $usersetting->add(get_string('securitykeys', 'webservice'), $url, self::TYPE_SETTING);

Hope this helps,

Erik Weller
Re: Adjusting or Customizing the 'My profile settings' menu
de Erik Weller - Wednesday, 8 de May de 2013, 05:54

Hi David,


Thanks for your reply. You are right, I have disabled the RSS feeds altogether and now it doesn't show anymore.

The same thing worked for the Blog link

Now I only need to remove the 'Messaging' link. That may be the hardest. Do you have an idea on where to remove that one?

Thank you.


Kind regards,


David Curry (Core Developer)
Re: Adjusting or Customizing the 'My profile settings' menu
de David Curry (Core Developer) - Wednesday, 8 de May de 2013, 13:52
Grupo Totara

Well it's not what I originally thought, there is a setting in advanced settings called messaging. If you have turned that off trying to make this dissapear you might want to turn it back on, a lot of tasks/alerts depend on it (program messages for example). To make that link dissapear you would have to remove the permissions below from the roles you want it hidden for.

