Best practice forum (Archived)

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Wednesday, 5 de June de 2013, 09:06
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Matthew Lee
Re: Multiple program enrollment?
de Matthew Lee - Wednesday, 5 de June de 2013, 10:57

Hey Peter

Students can be enrolled into multiple programs at the same time. I think what you are trying to do is have a way to dynamically add students to different programs automatically, yes? The dynamic rules are tied to the students profile fields which they are filling in when they create an account. If I remember correctly, your current form has a selection field where they can pick only one program to affiliiate with. If you want to create rules to assign to multiple audiences, you will need to have a way in your account creation form for a student to select multiple program options. Or, have a rule tied to some other field. Does that makes sense?



Esta publicación en el foro ha sido eliminada.
Thursday, 6 de June de 2013, 12:21
El contenido de esta publicación del foro se ha eliminado y ya no se puede acceder a él.
Matthew Lee
Re: Multiple program enrollment?
de Matthew Lee - Thursday, 6 de June de 2013, 12:47

Yes. I'd test it first just in case there are any issues running the rules based on a check box, but that should do it.

