Best practice forum (Archived)

Totara Sync Log - Multitennancy

Curry (Core Developer)David
Re: Totara Sync Log - Multitennancy
Curry (Core Developer)David 发表于 2013年06月12日 Wednesday 14:52
小组 Totara

Hey Bodo,

I guess it depends on how much work you are willing to put into it, you could customise the log entries to contain the organisation id (or something similar) of the user that ran it (might be harder if its run through cron) and then Automatically filter by that. That would let you keep the records without clearing them all the time and avoid A seeing records from B. Or stick with what you are doing and tell Org A they can sync in the morning and Org B they can sync in the afternoon? Or just run the risk of overlapping syncs, I'm not sure how likely that is to happen?

Either way let us know what you end up going with, it sounds interesting.
