Best practice forum (Archived)

Reporting on daily completions

John Robinson
Reporting on daily completions
di John Robinson - Friday, 7 June 2013, 00:00

I am looking to run a report using 'Report builder' that will allow me to generate a report over a given period. This is usually the past 24 hours or over a weekend period. However using 'Report Builder' and the template course completions it would appear that I can specify a given time period. The options available would generate too much information. The information is usually gather from SCORM interactive modules which we use for compliance training.

We use this information to allow users access to computer systems or 'apps' and would use this to validate prior learning before atttending a classroom course which is managed by another system.

Can anyone help me around this. I deally I would like to be able to set this report up so it's emailed to me on a daily basis.

Thanking you in anticipation.

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