Best practice forum (Archived)

Can we have better descriptions in the release notes please

Re: Can we have better descriptions in the release notes please
CogginsSimon 发表于 2013年07月10日 Wednesday 15:49
小组 Totara

Hi David,

Yes I take your point, we do have a specific field in our bug tracker for the changelog message but in this case it is was certainly not a helpful message.

I don't think putting the git commit message in the changelog makes sense as often that can be more cryptic and developer focused than helpful. We just need to do a better job of making sure the changelog message is a clear description of the change. I will discuss with the dev team.

In this case there were several commits against the same bug ID. The enhancements were:

  • A new option "mark in progress on first course view" added to the course settings and course default settings. If checked this modifies the course completion behaviour - instead of marking a completion as in progress after the first criteria is met, the course is marked as in progress the first time a user views any page within the course.
  • When unlocking course completion criteria, the user now has the option to unlock criteria without deleting existing completion data
  • A new separate capability to control who can unlock completion criteria.
