Best practice forum (Archived)

Listing all my courses

Rob Bloor
Listing all my courses
بواسطة Wednesday, 14 August 2013, 1:36 AM - Rob Bloor


I’ve now managed to set up my 78 courses ready for audiences and programs but want to cross check these with my master list.  Is there a way of listing all courses under a sub category in a format that I can export to Excel?  The filters restrict rather than set a starting point.



? ?
Re: Listing all my courses
بواسطة Wednesday, 14 August 2013, 2:38 AM - ? ?

Hi Rob,

You could use report builder to export your courses with category names (or IDs), then group the data with a pivot table in Excel (put categories then course names in the row labels area).

That will work if your catalogue is shallow (i.e. doesn't have many nested categories beneath the top level parent), but I can't think an easy way exporting a deeper category structure without doing a fair bit of work in Excel.



Rob Bloor
Re: Listing all my courses
بواسطة Wednesday, 14 August 2013, 2:58 AM - Rob Bloor

Thanks Ryan

Filtered on my live courses so that reduces the ones I need to manipulate and yes should have scrolled down to the export that does the trick.

I only seem to be able to choose one category which is the bottom one.  Have to add the parent category manually unless I’m missing something?
