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Monday, 2 December 2013, 5:16 PM
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? ?
Re: Help with adding Help to the New Account form
von ? ? – Wednesday, 4 December 2013, 6:54 PM

Hi Liz,

You are right, the signup form has no help tooltips at all - I'd never noticed that before.

Unfortunately from looking at the code there seems to be no simple workaround, especially for custom profile fields. I'll file an enhancement request as this is definitely something I can see being useful for anyone using self-registration, though I don't know when we'll get around to fixing it.

In the meantime, and I know you'd prefer not to edit the code but this is the simplest thing I can think of, in the file login/signup_form.php look for this line:


and immediately above it add these two lines:

$helptext = "explanation of following custom fields here which can include html formatting";
$mform->addElement('html', "<div>{$helptext}</div>"");


The $helptext string can be as long as you like and include html formatting like bullet points, tables etc. It's a bit clumsy but unfortunately adding real tooltips would involve a lot more code changes!

Hope that helps,


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