Best practice forum (Archived)
הדיון בפורום זה הוסר
Hi Stephanie,
I remember that long ago in the 1.1 version of the Certificate module we had a workaround for supporting Asian fonts as many did not work correctly. I'll have a look to see if a similar fix needs to be applied to the 2.x series.
As far as language packs are concerned, at the moment there are no current plans to provide an official Totara Korean pack. You could however obtain the Moodle pack from and have your sysadmins add the extracted ZIP to the $CFG->dataroot/lang directory which would at least provide translations for all the generic Moodle functionality, but not any of the Totara functionality (e.g. Plans, Programs, ReportBuilder etc) - that would be approximately 60% of all the strings in the system, which may be better than nothing.
I wanted to know if there is any documentation or a possible plugin to guide me through the process of changing the fonts a certificate prints. The customer requirement is to have the text to print in the approved corporate font and sizes.
The fonts to be used are:
Trebuchet MS (12) and (18)
Amazone BT (40)
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi Markus,
I guess you should do as follows:
1 - put your new fonts in the following folder:
You'll see there other fonts as example.
2 - Go to Dashboard / ► Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Activity modules / ► Certificate
and choose your new fonts (just delete your cache before step 2).
Try to print now a certificate. It should use the new fonts.
Hi Aldo
Thank you very much for the prompt reply and excellent assistance.
There are however a few additional steps I had to follow in order to get it working 100%. I will add these steps for completeness sake for other users.
Before copying the files I had to convert the .ttf files to the TCPDF format using the TCPDF converter web page (
This steps creates a .z as well as .php files. These files are then copied to the your_totara_installation/lib/tcpdf folder.
As you pointed out these fonts then exist in the Dashboard / ► Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Activity modules / ► Certificate option
I then amended the certificate.php file in the specific type folder to reference to the newly created fonts.
The certificate now prints the desired fonts.
Thank you very much!!
Another alternative is to create a graphic of the wording and format and insert this into the Certificate. this helps with aligning text and graphics in the certificate which is a bit fiddly to adjust spacing.
From memory there was still some text in the Certificate but using the graphic allowed better control over placement and wording for the majority of content.