Best practice forum (Archived)

FaceToFace ICS - incorrectly set to cancel

FaceToFace ICS - incorrectly set to cancel
?? 发表于 2013年12月20日 Friday 14:24

It seems that all ics attachments sent from the F2F module create the .ics with a method of "CANCEL." Hence, Gmail and most likely other applications show all ILT events as cancelled. Here is the top part of the source from one of the ILT event attachments (note that this was a future event that had NOT been cancelled in anyway via the UX):

PRODID:-//Moodle//NONSGML Facetoface//EN

Re: FaceToFace ICS - incorrectly set to cancel
?? 发表于 2013年12月22日 Sunday 14:03

Hi Jamie,


Thanks for bringing this to our attention but we were already aware of this one - a patchy for 2.4 was released last week, and a patch should be released in this weeks 2.5 release :-)

Re: FaceToFace ICS - incorrectly set to cancel
?? 发表于 2013年12月26日 Thursday 11:02

Hi Ciaran. Thanks for the info. I even searched the forums first but guess this one slipped by me.


2013年12月27日 Friday 07:27
Re: FaceToFace ICS - incorrectly set to cancel
?? 发表于 2013年12月27日 Friday 09:59

Hi Alan, I agree lets chat more. Thanks for the heads up!