Best practice forum (Archived)

Adding text with f2f booking.

Adding text with f2f booking.
WildSteph 发表于 2014年01月8日 Wednesday 01:21
小组 Learn Site Administrator


Can anyone help?

We would like to have the ability to add some text at the point where we make a f2f booking to make a note of specific requirements for that learner eg unable to use stairs, vegetarian etc..

I'm aware that we can use custom fields as per the previous discussion topic but we don't want the learners being able to see the content as it could relate to personal requirements.

We know this isn't standard with Totara but has anyone else done this?  Any help would be much appreciated.


Re: Adding text with f2f booking.
?? 发表于 2014年01月8日 Wednesday 18:28

Hi Steph,

It's a good idea and I'll file an enhancement request, though it would be interesting to see if anyone out there has already done something similar!

Re: Adding text with f2f booking.
WildSteph 发表于 2014年01月9日 Thursday 01:00
小组 Learn Site Administrator

Thanks Ciaran,

Please could you clarify how long an enhancement request might take to approve and then implement.  It's just that we have a department who are finding not being able to do this very inconvenient, there previous LMS allowed them to do this.


Re: Adding text with f2f booking.
?? 发表于 2014年01月9日 Thursday 12:39

Hi Steph,

It really all depends on how many people are asking for it, and what resources are available here at Core. Bugfixes have to take priority - though the general development focus for 2014 is on all the hundreds of suggested minor improvements rather than major new feature sets such as Performance Management last year.