Best practice forum (Archived)
Hi Liz,
In Site Administration -> Advanced features there is a checkbox "Enable messaging system". Turning that off should stop all alerts and tasks being generated. You could also add the following lines to your config.php while doing the rebuild to prevent any emails being sent out:
$CFG->noemailever = true;
$CFG->divertallemailsto = ''
Remember to take them out of the config.php when you move to production :-)
When you say the certification prior learning is not showing up, you need to be careful that the certification/course shortname matches exactly in the CSV file you are uploading. If the system cannot find the course/cert by the shortname then it adds the RPL under Record of Learning: Other Evidence. Shortnames should mostly be just alphanumeric, a-z and 0-9, as other characters like ampersands can sometimes have odd effects. In addition there is a known bug when there are multiple records for the same user in the same program i.e. where user A has previously completed certification X 4 times over their years with the company - there is a patch in review to fix this so that'll hopefully be in 2.5.5, but for now try only having the most recent record for each user in the CSV just to get up and running.
Well as it is a pre-production system you could clean out all the records in
That should get rid of them :-)