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Course repeat/duplicating

Course repeat/duplicating
PathanRaisa 发表于 2014年01月20日 Monday 04:37

I notice over the last few months one of our courses seems to duplicate itself in the system.  Original investigation suggested maybe this was due to the fact that this particualr course was part of a programme.  After deleting all of our programmes I find that this is still a problem.  Also, as the course is duplicating itself in the system (x2) it is appearing in a member of staff's learning history numerous times too.

I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything like this or can advise further?

Re: Course repeat/duplicating
?? 发表于 2014年01月20日 Monday 16:18

Normally this should only happen where

a) there is a Program with a recurring course, maybe you should check that all the programs were actually deleted - maybe a different admin created a Program you can't see? The mdl_prog database table should show any still-existing programs.

b) If you are on 2.5 then Certifications are a special type of Program that also have repeating courses. Again they are stored in mdl_prog, the difference between an ordinary Program and a Certification in the database is that Certifications will have an integer in the "certifid" field.