Best practice forum (Archived)

PDF snapshot for Appraisals

PDF snapshot for Appraisals
BondDaniel 发表于 2014年01月27日 Monday 08:40
小组 Helpful contributor 2024小组 Most helpful contributor 2023

Not sure if this is just us or whether others have run across it. When we save a PDF snapshot of an appraisal, there appear to be some issues:

  • Questions with long titles don't appear to wrap at the end of lines, so the question text simply carries on off the edge of the page
  • If the description of a section is short and the section name is long, the text of when the section must be completed by overflows out of the box at the bottom
  • The HTML layout of fixed text isn't respected, so if an image is floated right it isn't in the PDF
  • Questions and answers aren't kept together around page breaks, so the question might be on one page and the answer on another.

I know that some of these are likely to be for simplicity's sake, certainly the last one, but it might be worth looking at whether it's possible to wrap long lines of text for example.

I am happy to supply an example if that would be helpful.
