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Email notification of quiz completion

? ?
Email notification of quiz completion
di ? ? - Sunday, 26 January 2014, 19:34


Another seemingly basic question...

In Totara 2.5 is there a way of enabling email notification of quiz completion to an admin person? Can this be enabled as a site wide default or does it have to be set for each course?

I know this is already up and running in our moodle site but we are migrating to Totara this week so just want to do some final testing...

Thanks in advance


? ?
Re: Email notification of quiz completion
di ? ? - Monday, 27 January 2014, 21:31

Hi Todd,


Yes, as I recall this is actually controlled site-wide via capabilities, so if you edit the Editing Teacher role to ensure the following capabilities are permitted in that role, and ensure that someone is actually assigned to a course in the role of editing teacher, then they should get the notifications.




? ?
Re: Email notification of quiz completion
di ? ? - Wednesday, 29 January 2014, 15:14

Thanks - have adjusted as site wide setting... but no luck with notifications when testing - i.e. no email notifications received...

Are notifications dependant on cron running  or are they a constant background process?

Does this need to be set in each course at course level?? ( in the context of lots of moodle courses migrated to Totara 2.5)

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