Best practice forum (Archived)

Spectre or bug? Disappearing cc recipient's managers

? ?
Spectre or bug? Disappearing cc recipient's managers
door ? ? - Thursday, 6 March 2014, 17:31 PM

Hi there - just after loudly proclaiming to one of my staff that it was not possible to cc managers in to messages sent to recipient groups on the system (eg. participants on a course) using the Message Users tab, she went off and came back saying she had tried, and caught a glimpse of a check box which said "cc recipients' managers", directly underneath the recipients list when she clicked on Message Users. When she went to click on the check box, it disappeared... we tried and tried, and it kept appearing tantalisingly and momentarily, then disappearing. We're on v 2.4 - is it an apparition or a bug? -

We'd very much like to be able to use this function - at present we're cutting and pasting the message into a separate email to managers...

? ?
Re: Spectre or bug? Disappearing cc recipient's managers
door ? ? - Thursday, 13 March 2014, 17:28 PM

Hi Kitty,

Which version of 2.4 are you on? This seems to work fine on the latest 2.4.18

? ?
Re: Spectre or bug? Disappearing cc recipient's managers
door ? ? - Thursday, 13 March 2014, 18:30 PM

Looks fine in 2.4.16 too using the standardtotara theme. Are you using some form of custom theme? Might be a CSS issue.