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SCORM pop-up display problem on iOS 7

Tobias Pils
SCORM pop-up display problem on iOS 7
بواسطة Monday, 17 March 2014, 4:49 AM - Tobias Pils

Hi all,

we've set up a Totara LMS platform (v 2.2.18) for a customer. We use the SCORM activity to display courses created in Articulate Storyline in a new window. Learners access the courses via desktop and iPad. As long as their iPads ran on iOS 6 the SCORM content was displayed as intended but now they've updated to iOS 7.

The problem now is that the content should resize to fit into the screen which works on desktop and also if the SCORM package is viewed on iPad but comes directly from a web server directory (without LMS). In the Totara pop-up, however, the resize only works for portrait-mode but stretches the content too much for landscape-mode.

By messing around with the "viewport" meta tag I've managed to get the content to show in approximately the right size in landscape-mode but then the content was to small in portrait-mode.

Has anyone else encountered this problem so far?

Thank you for your suggestions!

Best regards,


Tobias Pils
Re: SCORM pop-up display problem on iOS 7
بواسطة Wednesday, 26 March 2014, 6:43 AM - Tobias Pils

Hi all,

has anyone also encountered the problem?
We were not able to really fix it, so far, but because tracking wasn't an issue in the affected project we now forward the SCORM-player popup directly to the SCORM package, rather than embedding it in an object or iframe element. Only mod/scorm/module.js had to be modified for this "fix".

Maybe this helps anybody else :)

Best regards,


Re: SCORM pop-up display problem on iOS 7
بواسطة Wednesday, 26 March 2014, 3:53 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi Tobias,

I think there are a number of issues with iOS7 when it comes to the browser, but there have been a lot of changes to SCORM handling in 2.6 which comes out end of April - you may be best waiting until that comes out and upgrading.



Tobias Pils
Re: SCORM pop-up display problem on iOS 7
بواسطة Thursday, 27 March 2014, 4:55 AM - Tobias Pils

Hi George,

thank you for your reply. I've read about improvements in Moodle 2.6 but the platform is highly customized - so upgrading would be problematic - and the project timeline didn't allow for us to wait until the Totara 2.6 release. But I will definitely look further into the matter, as soon as 2.6 is released.

Best regards,
