Best practice forum (Archived)

Course Completion Enhancements

Re: Course Completion Enhancements
LowndesPaul 发表于 2015年11月13日 Friday 04:18
小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Simon

You asked for feedback on different scenarios.

For us its less important that a course is completed "via RPL" or not. From a user perspective we just want to know that the user has completed the course and that reports are consistent.

In other words, in the reports there should be no difference between a learner completing a course on Totara and completing a course outside of Totara.

The only difference is that the evidence will be a certificate or validation number rather than a grade. 

Here is my take on the 2 scenarios:


1. In BULK - Using Historic Import Tool

When importing historic data in bulk from other systems or third parties the important information we need to capture

a) name of the course

b) date when completed

c) date started

d) Grade

e) award / validation code

f) Awarding body


2. Self Service - User manually completes

We would like to create programs and certifcations which may include courses that are not taken via totara for some of the reasons explained earlier. Typically it will be an accredited course that can only be provided by a 3rd party.

We would like to create a user journey that allows the learner to mark as complete themselves when they  have completed the external course by uploading a certifcate as evidence so they can then unlock the next course in the sequence without waiting for an andministrator

This will allow us to create more meaningful certifications that include courses that have to be taken outside of Totata and allow learners to take ownership


I hope this helps