Best practice forum (Archived)

Auto registration with roles and organizations

Geoff Smith
Auto registration with roles and organizations
par Geoff Smith, Tuesday 27 May 2014, 15:43

Hi, We are trying to integrate our WordPress site with Totara by creating a single sign on. The problem we are having is that we are selling a course to individual teachers from over 15,000 school districts in the US, but would like the ability of a "Trainer" in a School Districts to view only the "Learners" in that district. In WP, we've created a drop down menu to select a state, then a school district in that state without have the district's name spelt many different ways.

Any suggestions how to write the "Role" and the "Organization" in Totara from WP without having to enter 15,000 school districts by state in to Totara?



? ?
Re: Auto registration with roles and organizations
par ? ?, Tuesday 27 May 2014, 21:14

Hi Geoff,

The only time I've been involved in something like this the sites were using Shibboleth as the single sign on (SSO) authentiator. LDAP most likely could also be used as a middle SSO component between the two. Though LDAP or Shibboleth might be too complex for your needs.

However there do seem to be lots of articles online about integrating Wordpress and Moodle so maybe one of those links will point you in the right direction, if you search on Google for "wordpress moodle SSO" there seem to be a variety of options e.g.