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Possible for Staff Manager to set RPL for actitivities?

Rickard Skiold
Possible for Staff Manager to set RPL for actitivities?
על ידי Rickard Skiold בתאריך 13/09/2014, 13:02


We're investigating the possibilities with RPL, specifically for staff managers. As we've understood it, per default staff managers can set completion via RPL for their team members in courses in a learning plan or program.

Is it also possible for them to set RPL for their team members individual courses (that aren't in a plan/program) and/or individual activities within a course? Or would that require that the staff manager would be given the capability to view the Course Completion report in each course?



? ?
Re: Possible for Staff Manager to set RPL for actitivities?
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 24/09/2014, 20:32

Hi Rickard,

At the moment if the Staff Manager role is given the 'moodle/site:viewreports' and 'report/completion:view' capabilities, and then is enrolled in the course in the Staff Manager role (not as a Learner, and they must be enrolled in the course merely having the Staff Manager role in the user context is not enough), then they will be able to see and use the Course Completion report for setting RPL.

Unfortunately as it stands they will be able to see every user enrolled on the course, not just their own direct reports.

Changing that would require code changes to report/completion/view.php and also to the completion_info class in lib/completionlib.php, specifically changes to the get_num_tracked_users and get_progress_all functions to detect if it is a Staff Manager that is viewing the report, and if so only display their direct reports.

May also need additional security checks on the report/completion/save_rpl.php AJAX script to ensure that a staff manager can only add RPL to their direct reports.

I can see other people wanting this functionality though, it does make sense if Staff Managers can set RPL on Plans they should also be able to do it in ordinary courses. I know there are changes to RPL being planned for 2.7 and 2.8, do you want me to file an enhancement request?

Matt Mundey
Re: Possible for Staff Manager to set RPL for actitivities?
על ידי Matt Mundey בתאריך 24/09/2014, 23:39
קבוצה Partners

This would be excellent, Ciaran. Definite +1 from me.



Rickard Skiold
Re: Possible for Staff Manager to set RPL for actitivities?
על ידי Rickard Skiold בתאריך 25/09/2014, 00:00

Hi Ciaran,

Many thanks for your detailed response! I agree that some way for staff managers to RPL activities would be nice, although the reason for asking was more to get the complete picture of what's possible today.

While I see the benefits of managers being able to RPL indvidual activities, I also think that the UI would need to be more simple than the current way to RPL an activity.

A feature we've seen demand for, which corresponds to this and could perhaps be an alternative, is a new "stupid" activity, which could be named "Coaching". In it's simplest form, this activity could be a check box and a non-mandatory comments field, where typically a staff manager (and/or other roles such as Trainer/Editing Trainer) could check that this activity (e.g. coaching) has been performed. In a way it would be a bit like an Assignment Light, but where the learner typically doesn't interact, but instead her staff manager sets the completion. 


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25/09/2014, 01:27
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