Best practice forum (Archived)

Trainer archiving a course.

? ?
Trainer archiving a course.
di ? ? - Friday, 29 September 2017, 13:28

Hi All, 

2 Questions. 

We have a massive load of course where we need to archive a course between sessions. We would love the trainer to be able to do this rather than all the requests to go through helpdesk. But for the life of me we can't find the permission or combination of permissions to allow this to work. It seems only site admins can do this for whatever reason. 

Any idea?

This one we are testing but not getting regular results:
Part 1) If there are people enrolled in a program and they have 3 of the 8 courses completed will they show that those courses are completed? 

Part 2) I know you cannot archive a course if it is part of a program. But if we need to archive it because the requirements have changed...I will need to build an entire new program correct? As well as hope that the program captures previous completions.

Nathan Lewis
Re: Trainer archiving a course.
di Nathan Lewis - Sunday, 1 October 2017, 13:46
Gruppo Totara

Hi Nate.

Could you please give us the full use case for your situation, the reasons and purpose. The information provided so far has been "this is how we want to do it" without the "this is what we're trying to achieve and why" part of the equation. It might be that the solution to your problem is to work in a different way, but without knowing what the situation and objectives are, it's hard to help. Please include details of the setup (programs, courses etc), describe what situation the existing users are in (already assigned to program, some complete, etc), processes you've currently got (trainers send requests to helpdesk?) and the changes and improvements you're trying to make.


? ?
Re: Trainer archiving a course.
di ? ? - Monday, 2 October 2017, 07:29

Sure. I'll split it into 2 replies for simplicity. 

We have about 300 webinars that one of our clients offer to their learners on similar topics. 

*Mostly learners don't repeat a webinar but 

*There are a portion that do and a handful that are required to attend most every seminar. 

*Because of the number of people taking the seminars the organizers do not want to take attendance

*Validate attendance through a passcode given in the seminar. 

*Seminar can happen at irregular intervals

*Completions need to be archived between offerings so users can retake. And get credit. Or never take again and retain credit. 

? ?
Re: Trainer archiving a course.
di ? ? - Monday, 2 October 2017, 07:42

In this case we have a program that contains a course that has a significant policy change. We need to change the completion requirements. So we need to archive the completions before making the changes. 

Obviously you can't archive when the course is part of a program. So the option is take the course out of the many programs it's part of or find another solution. We are currently attempting a test on a dev server of making it part of a separate certification. 

What we want to know is that if the course completions that exist as archived completions count towards or program completions for the future. 

? ?
Re: Trainer archiving a course.
di ? ? - Monday, 2 October 2017, 10:01

We had a similar problem and work around it as follows:

Name Courses with an index number that distinguishes between iterations of the Course. Modify the existing Program to include both of the relevant Course indexes with an "or" relationship. Hide the older Course, except from those already enrolled.

So far we haven't found any problem with this method, aside from retaining courses in the database that are no longer relevant.

? ?
Re: Trainer archiving a course.
di ? ? - Monday, 2 October 2017, 11:53

This was my preferred method and what I would love to do. and may be what we end up doing depending on hoe tedious this all becomes. 

We have federal and state reporting to do and balancing the ease of running one report compared to what will be a combination of 10 reports in 5 years is what I have to consider. And more so in the future.