Totara Learn Open Discussions

F2F - Manage Rooms - Site Admins Only?

John Unnever
F2F - Manage Rooms - Site Admins Only?
par John Unnever, Wednesday 10 January 2018, 18:46
Groupe Partners

Can other roles be granted access to the manage rooms functionality? In the help section, reads like so:

A Site Administrator can access the Rooms administration dashboard via the Administration block within Site Administration > Seminars > Rooms

Can this ability be given to Site Managers?
Re: F2F - Manage Rooms - Site Admins Only?
par George Angus, Wednesday 10 January 2018, 19:21
Groupe Totara

Hi John,

There isn't a way to do this directly by editing the Manager role, I guess its more on the admin side - so its part of setting up the site which the Site manager then manages. 



Susan Hurley
Re: F2F - Manage Rooms - Site Admins Only?
par Susan Hurley, Monday 9 July 2018, 14:56
Groupe Partners

Hi George, 

I have a follow-up question. Are there any permissions to allow a role to access any of the items inside the Seminar menu?


Re: F2F - Manage Rooms - Site Admins Only?
par George Angus, Monday 9 July 2018, 16:43
Groupe Totara

Hi Susan,

Do you mean all or any? What do you want to achieve exactly?

