Totara Social Open Discussions

Notifications default

? ?
Notifications default
de ? ? - Tuesday, 8 de March de 2016, 22:23

Hi All,

I am concerned that our users will default to 'All Users' when they post something, or even 'All Groups'. I really want them to think about who they want to notify before they post, so they don't overload notifications. I don't think our users will think to type in manually who to notify unless we prompt them somehow......Any suggestions on how to make this as easy as possible? For example, default to all the Groups I am involved in as list groups, then select the one/ones you actually want to notify?

Thanks again:)


Yuliya Bozhko
Re: Notifications default
de Yuliya Bozhko - Wednesday, 13 de April de 2016, 11:01

Hi Stephen,

It is possible for users to control who they are sharing with by default through "Default sharing" option in their profile. If this is set up sensibly for every user, then it should be easy for them not to worry about sharing every time they post something.

Another reason not to worry about spamming is that notifications are not usually sent to All users. Someone will get a notification from another person sharing with "All users" or "Public" only if these 2 people are connected. Think of the way Facebook works: it is possible to make posts completely public, but it doesn't mean you are going to get notified about all public posts. Same principle applies to the sharing in Totara Social.

Hope that makes sense.


? ?
Re: Notifications default
de ? ? - Thursday, 14 de April de 2016, 20:12

Hi Yuiya, 

Thank you that's very helpful. Is there some updated documentation on these finer usage details that we can access? Also about the capabilities of the system e.g. which headers/menus are editable/configurable etc? And some further information on understanding tenancy versus Group? And how to manage email digests/set them up/configure etc? Or should we email you/have a phonemail sometime about some of the things that we can't figure out?

Yuliya Bozhko
Re: Notifications default
de Yuliya Bozhko - Friday, 15 de April de 2016, 13:32

Hi Stephen,

We are trying to keep user documentation ( up-to-date as much as possible. After every release that adds new features we revise and update required docs. If you can't find answers for any of the questions that you have or if you feel that our docs are lacking some important information, definitely let us know and we will work on improving our help site. However, as this process usually takes time and you need help sooner than we can update the documentation, we can set up a call to discuss any questions that you have.
