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Competency parent child relations

Competency parent child relations
GerrardClaire 发表于 2015年11月19日 Thursday 03:58


 I am having a bit of an issue trying to organise competencies clearly within the learning plan. 

Currently, there does not seem to be a way of showing competency child/parent relationships on the learning plan, despite clear child-parent  relations within the competency hierarchy. Within the hierarchy you can set that a parent competency becomes marked complete when all child competencies are marked complete by setting the  aggregation method to "all". Yet within the learning plan it is confusing because all the competencies appear to be at one level.

So for example, say I had a parent competency called unit 1, which was set to be marked complete when all its child competencies 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ....etc. were marked complete. I would go to the learning plan and find all the competencies displayed in a list at one level- with no indentation or anything else to indicate the child parent relation. Thus it would not be clear why unit 1 was automatically updated to complete when  its  child competencies had been completed.

Does anyone have any suggestions, any help would be greatly appreciated.

2016年06月10日 Friday 15:19