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External to Totara Courses Reporting

Van BurenSusan Neumans
External to Totara Courses Reporting
Van BurenSusan Neumans 发表于 2017年03月4日 Saturday 06:17

I know that this is a long-shot and I'm fairly sure I know the answer is no, but I wonder if anyone knows of a plug-in or some other way to have courses external to Totara report back as complete? We need some of our employees to complete courses that are external to our LMS (e.g. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) courses).

My workaround has been to have the FEMA course URLs as activities. I then have the activity set to mark as complete when the learner accesses the URL. I have a separate activity for them to upload their completion certificate issued by FEMA. Once both of those activities are complete, the course is complete. 

Is there a better way?

Best Regards,


Craig Eves
Re: External to Totara Courses Reporting
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2017年03月5日 Sunday 15:48
小组 Totara

Hi Susan

SCORM and LTI activities are able to pass data to Totara. See

If the activities aren't one of these standards but are hosted on Moodle/Totara site then the sites can be networked together to pass data between them.


Van BurenSusan Neumans
Re: External to Totara Courses Reporting
Van BurenSusan Neumans 发表于 2017年03月7日 Tuesday 08:46

Thank you!

Re: External to Totara Courses Reporting
WildSteph 发表于 2017年03月6日 Monday 01:08
小组 Learn Site Administrator

Hi Susan,

We do work in partnership with an organisation who publishes their SCORM packages in AICC compatibility format and hosts them on their own site.  We then add the link within Totara as an 'External AICC URL' with the URL they provide.  

To the learner it just looks like they are completing a hosted SCORM package, once complete it is automatically recorded on both our site and our partner's site and the other advantage is that updates to the package are added centrally and we don't have to reload anything.

Hope this makes sense and helps.

Kind Regards

Van BurenSusan Neumans
Re: External to Totara Courses Reporting
Van BurenSusan Neumans 发表于 2017年03月7日 Tuesday 08:46

Thank you!

Re: External to Totara Courses Reporting
?? 发表于 2017年03月6日 Monday 06:06

Hi Susan,

We dealt with a similar issue in much the same way you describe. 

Unless you can get a dispatch file from FEMA or have them provide you with a proper external URL, there's nothing else you can do to ensure proper communication with an external source.


Van BurenSusan Neumans
Re: External to Totara Courses Reporting
Van BurenSusan Neumans 发表于 2017年03月7日 Tuesday 08:46

Thank you!

2017年03月6日 Monday 06:18
Van BurenSusan Neumans
Re: External to Totara Courses Reporting
Van BurenSusan Neumans 发表于 2017年03月7日 Tuesday 08:47

Thank you!