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User admin for audiences

User admin for audiences
LandriganJames 发表于 2017年11月27日 Monday 19:55

Hi All,

Is there anyway to limit an administrators access to only a certain audience of users.

Many thanks


Re: User admin for audiences
AngusGeorge 发表于 2017年11月28日 Tuesday 14:43
小组 Totara
Hi James,

Can you be more specific about what it is you want the 'administrators' to do? Its possible to limit roles to Categories and to apply them by audiences, but a clearer idea of what you need would be useful.



Re: User admin for audiences
LandriganJames 发表于 2017年11月28日 Tuesday 14:56

Thank for your reply,

Being clear about what I want isn't strong suit :) but basically I would like to give someone access to edit user profiles and manage course enrolments for a specific audience only.

Is that any help?


Re: User admin for audiences
AngusGeorge 发表于 2017年11月28日 Tuesday 18:20
小组 Totara

Hi James,

The problem here is the role can't be applied directly to the audience members only.  

But the role can be applied to a course, and an audience an be enrolled into a course, thus the role can be applied indirectly to the audience.

You can use the Audience sync enrollment plugin to enroll a user into a course with the desired role,  you could add the courses you want the 'manager' to have rights in as enrolled learning.

The audience members which the 'manager' has editing rights over would have to be enrolled in a course with the 'manager' for this to work.

It would probably take a bit of thought to arrange a suitable single goto place for the 'manager' to be able to edit the learner profiles - like a "Registration course' or something similar. 

hope this makes sense!



Re: User admin for audiences
LandriganJames 发表于 2017年11月28日 Tuesday 19:21

Thanks very much George, I'll give it a try.


2017年11月29日 Wednesday 04:29
Re: User admin for audiences
AngusGeorge 发表于 2017年11月29日 Wednesday 18:19
小组 Totara

Hi Marius

My bad! Youre quite right. I can see why it wont work - namely the user profile is site-wide, if the role is restricted to the course only then it cannot  edit settings which are site-wide, such fields in a user's profile.

I can't see any way around this, other than somehow blocking the role's capabilities in users who are not in a particular audience. Its a site-wide capability.

I think the only way to achieve this would be a new feature.

