Totara Learn Open Discussions

OJT Plugin

Neil Hellewell
OJT Plugin
door Neil Hellewell - Monday, 2 April 2018, 16:17 PM

Hi everyone - for those who were at the Totara Conference in Wellington and were impressed by the Catalyst developed OJT plugin - and then subsequently installed it - has anyone else found that they are now having issues post upgrade? We are now on TL 10.0

It seems that staff can fully complete themselves - even when Manager Sign Off is turned on, and the completion criteria requires all sign offs to be undertaken. 

In addition - notifications do not seem to be generated to managers once staff complete their sections.

Any advice from those who are using the plugin gratefully received.

Many thanks, Neil

Sony Indrawan
Re: OJT Plugin
door Sony Indrawan - Tuesday, 1 October 2019, 18:23 PM

Hi Neil,

I use OJT on Totara 2.9. I found that when I add learners, their OJT are marked as completed. To fix this problem, 

  • I unlocked completion and delete completion data
  • under completion tracking, I changed the setting. Like the image below

I hope this helps.

Johanna Vehkanen
Re: OJT Plugin
door Johanna Vehkanen - Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 07:15 AM
Groep Partners

I have a version 11.22 where I have the same problem with OJT: the All required topics are complete... setting chosen but the manager approval is still not working > the course is marked as complete right away when a learner completes her OJT, the manager approval is overlooked. Any ideas?



Craig Eves
Re: OJT Plugin
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 15:46 PM
Groep Totara

Hi All

If there are any issues with this plugin then these should be reported with the developers of this plugin here

Discussing and clarifying behaviour is alright to be discussed in this forum but to fix the issue this needs to be reported to the developers of the plugin.


Johanna Vehkanen
Re: OJT Plugin
door Johanna Vehkanen - Wednesday, 5 February 2020, 00:44 AM
Groep Partners
Hi Craig,

thanks for the link, I'll do that.
