Totara Learn Open Discussions

How do you enrol users in a programme using a CSV import?

? ?
How do you enrol users in a programme using a CSV import?
de ? ? - Sunday, 8 de April de 2018, 21:36

I'm trying to enroll a list of users (~350) into a programme of courses by creating them as an audience. I have a excel file with the right list of people, but there doesn't seem to be anywhere where you can import a list of users as the enrolled audience. I understand I would probably need to create this into a correct CSV format, but I don't know what format or how to then import this CSV file.

I've found how to EXPORT a list a users, but I want to IMPORT a list to become the enrolled audience.

This is on Totara 9. Any ideas on how to do this?

? ?
Re: How do you enrol users in a programme using a CSV import?
de ? ? - Wednesday, 11 de April de 2018, 12:26

Hi Nat,

There is not currently a way to import a CSV to directly create an audience or to enroll a group on a program. 

I'm assuming these user accounts already exist in Totara - Is there some piece of information that is common in all of their user profiles that you could use to create a dynamic audience and then enroll that audience on the program? 

Alternatively, and this is something where you'll want to talk to your Totara Partner for support, if there is some piece of information you could add to their profiles either via an HR Import or Site Admin > Users > Upload users file that you could then use to tie the users together for an audience.

The big warning with this is depending on how user data gets in the system originally, you need to make sure that the updates to the profile won't get overwritten by the next automated import.

? ?
Re: How do you enrol users in a programme using a CSV import?
de ? ? - Thursday, 12 de April de 2018, 03:48
You can do this via Users > Accounts > Upload users and Bulk user actions.

  1. Create an empty set audience that you'll use to enrol learners on the program
  2. Build a CSV with the following columns:
    username password firstname lastname email
  3. Populate the file with your users. If they already exist on the site, you only need to include values in the 'username' column (you can leave everything else blank)
  4. Go to Users > Accounts > Upload users and upload the file
  5. On the 'Upload users preview' page, set: 
    1. Upload type to 'Update existing users only'
    2. Existing user details to 'No changes' (this is very important)
    3. Force password change to 'None'
    4. Allow renames, Allow deletes, Allow suspending and activating of accounts, and Standardise usernames all to 'No'
    5. Select for bulk user actions to 'All users'
  6. Hit the Upload users button, then Continue on the next page
  7. You will be automatically redirected to Bulk user actions
  8. Scroll down to With selected users... and pick 'Add to audience', then hit Go
  9. Choose your audience from the drop-down and hit 'Add to audience'

Your users will have been added to the audience, and you can now use this to enrol them on your program.


Craig Eves
Re: How do you enrol users in a programme using a CSV import?
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 12 de April de 2018, 16:47
Grupo Totara

It is possible to include the cohort column (this is the audience id) in the upload users csv file for the user.  Providing the audience has the program included in the Enrolled Learning tab they would be enrolled in the program.

See Upload User documentation for more details 
