Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar catalogue

? ?
Seminar catalogue
de ? ? - Tuesday, 10 de April de 2018, 00:29


We would like to offer learners a list of seminars that is limited by a couple of criteria.

Unfortunately, creating a report based on the seminar source (which has a lot of nice and useful columns) and making it available to learners does not really get us there. Mainly because it does not apply visibility restrictions, i.e. it lists all seminars regardless of course visibility (and regardless of seminar visibility).

Is there any way to offer a seminar catalog to users in Totara? Or at least a course catalog restricted to courses with seminars?

Another criterion that we would like to apply is the course language - only seminars of courses with a specific language should be listed. And only for a specific audience - but if visibility restrictions applied that would be no problem anyway.

Any hints, tips, ideas, anyone? I'd be most grateful.



Georgina Christodoulou
Re: Seminar catalogue
de Georgina Christodoulou - Tuesday, 10 de April de 2018, 17:25
Grupo PartnersGrupo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Veronika,

Would it be possible to use the Totara Course Catalog and add the ability for your users to filter the course catalogue by Course Type?

You would create all your seminar courses and ensure that in the course settings all the seminar courses have the Course Type set as Seminar.

You would then edit the 'Enhanced catalog: courses' report to allow filtering by Course Type.

When your users browse the course catalog they will then be able to filter by Course Type.

As the course catalog already takes into account the audience visibility rules your users will only see the Seminar Courses that they are able to access.

And then, to cater for different languages you could create a course custom field called 'Language' and also allow your users to filter by 'Language' when they search for the courses - if this is still a requirement.

Hope this helps.


Craig Eves
Re: Seminar catalogue
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 10 de April de 2018, 21:24
Grupo Totara

Good news

There is now a filter for Course language in the Enhanced catalog: courses in version 10  for Course language so a custom course field isn't required.


? ?
Re: Seminar catalogue
de ? ? - Thursday, 12 de April de 2018, 02:46
Thank you both very much for the feedback. Right, I forgot about the new language filter possibility, I've seen that in the release notes, it's great.
The trouble is, we don't want the users to have to filter, we would like to offer a filtered list only. Well, we'll get by.
Cheers, Veronika