Totara Learn Open Discussions

Question Analysis

? ?
Question Analysis
by ? ? - Wednesday, 11 April 2018, 11:36 AM

I have several courses the customer wants a question analysis (question, how many correct, how many incorrect, what users answered). The questions are randomized from pool and the choices are shuffled. The report (quiz-quiz administration-results-responses) has the data but is not in format that can easily be converted into a simple format for question analysis.

Has anyone done this type of question analysis for this scenario? If so, how did you do it?

Can there be an enhancement request for a question analysis report?

? ?
Re: Question Analysis
by ? ? - Thursday, 12 April 2018, 5:51 AM

At a minimum it would be helpful to have the question ID in the report.

Craig Eves
Re: Question Analysis
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 12 April 2018, 9:15 PM
Group Totara

Hi Lynn

There is some info such as question name and right answer that can be ticked in this report and downloaded to provide some of this information.

This file can be downloaded and opened in a spreadsheet and vasrious formulae used such as countif(a1,b1) where a1 is the users response and b1 is the Right answer.

There is also a statistics report for the quiz that does some basic analysis of correct answers.


? ?
Re: Question Analysis
by ? ? - Tuesday, 17 April 2018, 5:14 AM

You are correct and I have this file but I need to be able to do question analysis and this format makes it very difficult.

For instance what I need is:

Question ID  Questions Stem  # Answered Correctly   # Answered Incorrectly

In addition it would be helpful to be able to do the following:

Question ID   Question Stem  # Answered Choice 1  etc..

The statistics report is more on the number of  attempts, average grades, etc..  Since the questions are randomized under question name it states Random (category and subcategories) and does not give the specific question info.

Craig Eves
Re: Question Analysis
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 17 April 2018, 3:11 PM
Group Totara

Hi Lynn

I agree that the file for the quiz could be in a better format to allow spreadsheet analysis. I can add a feature request if you want and let others discuss the requirements in more detail.


? ?
Re: Question Analysis
by ? ? - Wednesday, 18 April 2018, 4:20 AM

Yes, please add as feature request.

Thank you,