Totara Learn Open Discussions

RPL activity completion overridden by learners attempting activity and not meeting activity completion criteria

Donald Barrett
RPL activity completion overridden by learners attempting activity and not meeting activity completion criteria
by Donald Barrett - Sunday, 22 April 2018, 2:50 PM


I have a client who has an issue where activity modules with RPL completion are overridden when a learner attempts the activity module and doesn't meet the activity completion requirements i.e. grade to pass. The RPL remains but the activity completion is unchecked.

1. Learner is given RPL to an activity module. 

2. Activity completion is checked.

3. Learner attempts completed activity module and doesn't meet the grade to pass.

4. Activity completion is removed, RPL remains

I have attached a screen shot with an example of the activity completion report.


Craig Eves
Re: RPL activity completion overridden by learners attempting activity and not meeting activity completion criteria
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 22 April 2018, 4:49 PM
Group Totara

Hi Donald

Can you get the client to check the activity completion again and hopefully this will show as completed.

The course completion are not processed instantaneously - they are processed as a separate task using cron.

If this is still not completed than please create a support ticket so we can get more details on versions etc.


Donald Barrett
Re: RPL activity completion overridden by learners attempting activity and not meeting activity completion criteria
by Donald Barrett - Monday, 23 April 2018, 4:42 PM
Hi Craig,

I have run cron and just the completion cron through CLI this morning for learners known to have RPL for a quiz activity and their completion status hasn't been updated. 

What happens is RPL is given to a learners activity module and they get activity completion tick at the time the RPL is assigned. After that something is causing the activity completion to unset but the RPL remains. It is not clear how this is unset as I am still trying to figure . out what is causing it.

Craig Eves
Re: RPL activity completion overridden by learners attempting activity and not meeting activity completion criteria
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 23 April 2018, 5:37 PM
Group Totara

Hi Donald

I tried in the latest Totara marking RPL for quiz and then completing the quiz and not passing and the activity completion still remained .

Are you able to create a support ticket with the version and steps with the quiz settings included so we can try and reproduce.
