Totara Learn Open Discussions

Bulk User Upload of all system users to an Audience

? ?
Bulk User Upload of all system users to an Audience
by ? ? - Wednesday, 25 April 2018, 8:28 AM

I have set up an audience and want to enrol all users on the system to this audience in the easiest way possible.

I have taken a look at the bulk user actions and there is a drop down option next to ‘with selected uses’. If I click ‘ add to audience’ will this allow me to add all of the users on the system to a specific audience? I am hoping it will be more straightforward than having to create a separate CSV; is this at all possible?


Re: Bulk User Upload of all system users to an Audience
by David Shaw - Thursday, 26 April 2018, 1:19 AM
Hi Katherine,

If you are looking at add all users on the site into the audience then I would set up a rule in the audience to add anyone who's email contains an @

Assuming that everyone has an email, that will pull everyone into that audience.

