Totara Learn Open Discussions

Multi-User Course Checklist

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Multi-User Course Checklist
بواسطة Wednesday, 25 April 2018, 2:56 PM - ? ?

I am trying to create a multi-user checklist in my Totara account. I created it like normal course pages. It has completion tracking set to "On" so that we get the checkboxes for each item added on the main page. My issue is that when people check off their sections on the checklist, only they can see them. So each version of the checklist is their own instead of us all contributing to the same checklist.


We created it to keep track of onboarding new employees.


Sam Hemelryk
Re: Multi-User Course Checklist
بواسطة Thursday, 26 April 2018, 4:01 PM - Sam Hemelryk
مجموعة Totara

Hi Lindsey,

Completion is per user, so what you are seeing is expected. Completion cannot be used to share a task list unfortunately.
As for how best to achieve this at present we don't have functionality to facilitate this easily.
I am aware of third party plugins such as the Checklist activity that may achieve what you want.

Alternatively if all of the staff responsible for on-boarding a new user are also trainers then you could use a label or page activity to maintain a list and require each staff member to update it manually after completing an item. They would need to edit the activity and change the state of the item.

Kind regards
Sam Hemelryk