Totara Learn Open Discussions

Facilitator notification when user cancels seminar registration

Nevin Butcher
Facilitator notification when user cancels seminar registration
by Nevin Butcher - Monday, 14 May 2018, 11:15 PM

Hi All 

I was sure I'd be able to figure this out myself but for the life of me I can't - and am pretty sure there is something I'm overlooking. 

I'd like to set-up an alert/notification/email which is sent to the facilitator/editing facilitator of a course when a user cancels their booking in the course. 

Client has courses that are paid and wants to have as close to real time a notification as possible when someone cancels their registration so the relevant refunds can be processed, without relying on a report. 


Craig Eves
Re: Facilitator notification when user cancels seminar registration
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 15 May 2018, 8:27 PM
Group Totara

Hi Nevin

To do this requires the seminar event trainer cancellation notification (in version 9 and above)

There also needs to be event roles for trainer enabled and a trainer assigned to the event - (you may also need to make the trainer role a notification recipient in seminar global settings too)

Then in theory when an event is cancelled by user the trainer will receive notification.

Let me know how this goes as I haven't tested this.


Nevin Butcher
Re: Facilitator notification when user cancels seminar registration
by Nevin Butcher - Monday, 21 May 2018, 8:13 PM
Hey Craig, sorry for the late response - I missed the notification that someone had responded to me :-)

OK, I am on v9, but looks like I need our partner to enable "event roles"

Will keep you posted. 
