Totara Learn Open Discussions

Value of Attempts

Marina Zelinskaya
Value of Attempts
di Marina Zelinskaya - Monday, 21 May 2018, 13:34


While looking recently through the SCORM reports, I noticed that the value of the field "Attempts" consistently remained the same, 1, even though I knew for the fact that some of the students entered the activity many more times.

I am trying to figure out the following things:

1) What exactly does that field supposed to represent (example: number of times SCORM was entered, even if only a portion of the activity is completed at the time; number of times the entire SCORM activity is viewed, from start to finish; or number of times when the completion of the SCORM activity is met - meaning that if the user did not pass an embedded test, they would not get the complete mark, therefore would not count as an attempt; or something else)?

2) Is the way to view the outcome for each attempt (passed, didn't pass, incomplete, etc)? 

3) Is there a setting (specifically for "Attempt" field or as a part of the setting that includes the activity, such as course settings) where the behavior of this field is defined?

I'm including a screenshot of the SCORM report as one example where this value is seen.  In this particular example, I went through the entire course once, but I took the test (which defines the completion parameters) twice.

Thank you,

Marina Zelinskaya

Craig Eves
Re: Value of Attempts
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 21 May 2018, 18:21
Gruppo Totara

Hi Marina

The number of attempts for the SCORM is controlled by what the  SCORM package  definition of an attempt is. The SCORM needs to have a status of 'completed' 'passed' or 'failed' for a new attempt to be enabled. 

There is some discussion on this here

SCORM is designed to allow multiple re-entries into the same single attempt. It is up to your SCORM package to define when an attempt is finished. Then the SCORM spec states that we need to let the user re-enter the old attempt in "review mode" or allow them to create a new attempt.

More info here:

There are some advanced options such as Force completed that will enable a new attempt to be made.
