Totara Learn Open Discussions

Self-registration with approval, mail for approver

Self-registration with approval, mail for approver
?? 发表于 2018年05月28日 Monday 06:05

Good afternoon,

We are using self-registration with approval, and I wonder if it is possible to have an e-mail sent to the admin / approver whenever there is a new account request.

The closest I get is using the scheduled report functionality with the "pending requests" report - the hitch is the report that is sent contains all the old data as well, i.e. it does not reflect what you actually see when you go to the Pending requests page.

Any ideas anyone?

Thanks, cheers,


Craig Eves
Re: Self-registration with approval, mail for approver
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2018年05月28日 Monday 16:21
小组 Totara

Hi Veronika

Totara has the ability to monitor events and for event rules to be created that can be Subscribed to so the user is notified by email when the event rule is met.

I checked in Totara 10 and there are events for the self-registration with approval - the closest one to what you want is the account request was confirmed.

Theoretically an email will be sent to the subscriber when a user confirms their email.
