Totara Learn Open Discussions

Site wide course report

? ?
Site wide course report
by ? ? - Friday, 8 June 2018, 3:33 AM


I am looking to have a report generated to let me know the course completion & grades for 3 different courses all on one report. Any help would be wonderful.


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Ian MacKinnon
Re: Site wide course report
by Ian MacKinnon - Thursday, 14 June 2018, 6:56 AM
Hi Kerry,

Create a report using the "Course completion" report source and choose your required columns and filters (including Completion status and Grade columns and Course name filter). Set your content and access restrictions then view the report and filter by the three courses you want to report on. You can then save that search so it is easily accessible another time.

Hope that helps as a starter for you. 


p.s. you have posted to the Totara Social forum, you may find it better to post in the Totara Learn forums found here: :)