Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding Regular Web Pages to Site - Not in a Course

Re: Adding Regular Web Pages to Site - Not in a Course
?? 发表于 2018年06月15日 Friday 11:28

Hi Rick,

One way to manage this would be to use the resource called Pages to allow the designers to add additional pages to the site. These will need to be tied to a Course page or the Front page or a Dashboard, as resources always have to be tied to a contextual area (System, Course) permissions-wise. The Course, Dashboard, or Site Front Page would behave as the parent and the children would be the Pages.

To limit the content to only be seen by certain regions, you could use dynamic Audiences to collect users based on region (using a rule looking at a profile field or the organisation hierarchy to get that data) and then make the course or dashboard visible to that audience.

If you are using Totara Learn 11, and want a single course that includes separate pages per region, you can set access restrictions on the pages within the course so that each page only displays to the appropriate regional audience. 
