Totara Learn Open Discussions

Bulk assignment of theme

Bulk assignment of theme
MoralesDesiree 发表于 2018年06月27日 Wednesday 18:00

Is there a way we can bulk assign Themes per user? The only way I know how to assign a Theme per individual is by going to their profile and selecting the Preferred theme.

If we intend to do this for a lot of users, using this method will be time consuming. Is there a quicker way on how to do this?

We are currently on Totara 9.3.

Thank you,


Craig Eves
Re: Bulk assignment of theme
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2018年06月28日 Thursday 21:29
小组 Totara

Hi Desiree

I can't think of a quick way to assign theme to a user.

There is a feature request and discussion on this at - 

