Totara Learn Open Discussions

Can an editing trainer receive email updates for a test is completed?

Can an editing trainer receive email updates for a test is completed?
?? 发表于 2018年07月3日 Tuesday 01:13


I have a set up a quiz and enrolled an editing trainer.

When they log on they can see the grades and access the tests and answers.

Can the trainer receive notifications if someone fails the test?

Ideally I would like the editing trainer to receive and email when someone has failed the quiz so he can contact them directly.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thank you


Re: Can an editing trainer receive email updates for a test is completed?
?? 发表于 2018年07月17日 Tuesday 10:14

Hi Abby, 

The trainers don't have a way to receive grade based notifications, unfortunately. That is a great idea that I bet other people could use too if you'd like to add it to the Suggest Features forum.
