Best practice forum (Archived)

Social Learning - what works?

Lars Hyland
Re: Social Learning - what works?
بواسطة Thursday, 27 September 2018, 8:47 AM - Lars Hyland
مجموعة Partners


Here's another article I've written that relates to building a learning community.

How to Create a Thriving Learning Community

Here's the intro:

In a 2017 Brandon Hall survey, only one-third of participating organizations had a defined knowledge-sharing strategy. For 72 percent of organizations, email was the most common method for knowledge-sharing, while 30 percent had no forums or communities in which to ask questions and share ideas. No wonder only 20 percent believed that their knowledge-sharing efforts were effective.

Knowledge-sharing is only one of the benefits of developing and sustaining a vibrant learning community and culture across your organization. When it forms a core element of the overall learning and development experience, not only does it accelerate the adoption of new behaviors, skills and knowledge in individuals, but it also does so across the organization. No matter the size of your organization, you probably have to accommodate virtual team-working. Developing and sustaining an active and engaged learning community is, therefore, essential to ensuring that your organization remains coordinated and agile, responds well to change, and so can remain competitive in fast-changing and uncertain market conditions.

Read more here...

Any thoughts and comments welcome!