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Assignment Activity in a course

? ?
Assignment Activity in a course
di ? ? - Tuesday, 24 July 2018, 16:12

Hello everyone, 

Is there anyone using the Assignment Activity in a course and would be prepared to share their experience?

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? ?
Re: Assignment Activity in a course
di ? ? - Thursday, 26 July 2018, 12:35

Hi Allen

Thanks for your reply.  Can I ask where you are based?  If in Wellington NZ one of our staff members would like to do a site visit to see the process in action.  If elsewhere could we arrange another method to check out how you are applying the Assignment Activity to a course?  

Kind regards


? ?
Re: Assignment Activity in a course
di ? ? - Thursday, 26 July 2018, 17:41
Hey Allan

Are you able to contact me via email at

