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Creating Report using two report sources

Marina Zelinskaya
Creating Report using two report sources
par Marina Zelinskaya, Wednesday 1 August 2018, 10:22


I'm wondering if anyone tried creating a report using fields from two different report sources?  I have a report that I need to add a field to, but it's in a different report source, so if anyone have been able to figure out a way to do that, please share.

Thank you,

Marina Zelinskaya

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Marina Zelinskaya
Re: Creating Report using two report sources
par Marina Zelinskaya, Wednesday 1 August 2018, 13:26


Thank you for letting me know.

However at this point I'm more interested to know if that's possible using just Totara native functionalities.


Marina Zelinskaya

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Larry Mitipelo
Re: Creating Report using two report sources
par Larry Mitipelo, Wednesday 19 February 2020, 15:32
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Hi Marina,

I've recently asked the same question and here's the reply.
