Totara Learn Open Discussions

Calculating enrolment duration on a course within a program

? ?
Calculating enrolment duration on a course within a program
di ? ? - Monday, 27 August 2018, 00:11

I have set up a Program using the Weekly format type to break up the training into three sets of courses.

I want to restrict manually enrolled users from entering the second set of courses until the second week actually rolls around. (Currently users can enter the second set early if they complete all the courses in the first week. An exception alert is triggered, but we want to actually physically restrict entry until the second week, to stop learners rushing through the program.

My question is: Can I set course completion conditions on the final course in each set to "days left: user must remain enrolled for 7 days", in order to delay completion of the final course, and subsequently delay the release of the second set until Monday of the next week...  OR....will this  calculate the enrollment duration from the click-to-launch course event? (which could occur on a Friday, if the user has paced themselves through the set of courses.)

Essentially, what I want to know is: are users enrolled in each course within the first set at the same time, or does 'enrollment' commence when they click "Launch Course" and view it for the first time? 

Thanks for your help!

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? ?
Re: Calculating enrolment duration on a course within a program
di ? ? - Monday, 27 August 2018, 15:17

Thanks so much for your reply Alan. I think this may be the best/closest solution to what I need. 

The challenge I have is that for each week's Course Set in the Program, there are about 7 courses, and I wanted learners to be able see that they were completing "checking off" the individual courses as they progressed through the week's set at their own pace. If I enable enrollment duration for the whole week (7 days) then they will not see their individual courses as completed until the end of the 7 days.

I have tried adding the Course Condition: Enrollment Duration just to the last Course in each Set in the Program, but I was worried this would cause the 7 days to start only when they clicked the button to 'launch' that particular Course. (Which, as the last course is ideally being completed towards the end of the week.) 

I wasn't sure if the timing for "Enrollment" in a course started when the course became available to the learner, or when they clicked the "Launch Course" button?