Best practice forum (Archived)

Can we have a US based Totara conference?

? ?
Can we have a US based Totara conference?
von ? ? – Tuesday, 25 September 2018, 12:16 PM

will there ever be one?   even a virtual conference would be good.  something for us users in the states...?

Iris Vermeren
Re: Can we have a US based Totara conference?
von Iris Vermeren – Wednesday, 26 September 2018, 2:01 AM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Christina, we're currently looking for a venue for our first US based Totara User Conference next year. We'll make sure to announce the dates and the agenda here on the Totara Community, so watch this space! :) 

? ?
Re: Can we have a US based Totara conference?
von ? ? – Friday, 25 January 2019, 12:09 PM

Thats Great news Iris.  May i recommend Orlando FL we have a ton of great conference space and everyone likes coming down to FL (for some reason) =)

John Unnever
Re: Can we have a US based Totara conference?
von John Unnever – Monday, 28 January 2019, 5:23 AM
Gruppe Partners

+1  for Orlando!!