Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar duration in reports

Lyn Bennett
Seminar duration in reports
di Lyn Bennett - Tuesday, 25 September 2018, 14:50

I am using the Seminar Sessions report as my basis. I know there is a sessions:duration field that can pull the session duration info into the sessions notification so am wondering why it isn't showing up as one of the column selections. (Am still trying go figure out why some column data appears in one report and not others, even though they seem related - is there any documentation that shows these relations?).

Much thanks,

? ?
Re: Seminar duration in reports
di ? ? - Wednesday, 26 September 2018, 15:24

Hi Lyn,

A list of the report sources and their contents is available here. In this case, duration is a value the system calculates based on the dates/times of the session that aren't calculated on the fly by report builder. This is a great question, and I highly recommend posting the need to the Suggest Features forum!

